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Pamela Mongrandi, LPC, CAADC, PhD

Dr. Pam Mongrandi is both a licensed professional counselor and a psychologist with over 20 years of experience working with people of all ages at all levels of care struggling with mental health, addiction, and relational issues (e.g., inpatient, addictions rehab, partial and intensive outpatient, and general outpatient). She is certified as an advanced addiction counselor and is becoming recertified as a trauma professional, and has much experience and joy working with couples and families seeking to heal, reconnect, and/or explore greater meaning in togetherness to increase emotional and physical intimacy.

Her work draws from fascinating research-based models, such as the work of the Gottmans. For example, we can predict with 93% accuracy whether a couple will break up based on four factors. These factors are actually applicable to all relationships and Pam finds great joy helping you learn and apply their antidotes.

Pam has an eclectic, trauma-informed approach drawing from dialetical behavioral therapy (she teaches skills to manage and get through life’s rough tough moments) and mindfulness (oneness in the moment without judgment), as well as cognitive behavioral therapy (she provides tools to heal shame-based or other dysfunctional thinking fueling mood issues like depression and anxiety). If you are feeling lonely, defeated, stuck, unable to forgive yourself, unworthy of taking your share of space, perhaps you desire a relationship or even have one but don’t feel worthy of it, or perhaps you are a leader feeling small like an imposter, Pam will help you explore the roots of attachment issues, possible early relational trauma. She believes in the importance of healing one’s relationship with one’s own inner child and uses a person-centered (and sometimes faith-based) approach to help you reconnect with your inner child so that you can tame the inner critic, make greater peace with yourself, and thus feel more worthy of healthy love.